Sanitarian Field Kit-digitalType : Sanitech-02/ D
Produk : Palintest ( Inggris)
Fungsi : Untuk test kadar
kimiawi dan Bacteri
pada air minum
dan air bersih, untuk
analisa kimia air
pembacaan secara
langsung / digital
Specification :
a Photometer
ª Operating Wavelengths : 450nm, 500nm, 550nm, 575nm, 600nm and 650nm
ª Accuracy : ± 0.5% at 4% transmittance, ± 0.005 at 0.3 AU
ª Resolution : 0, 001 AU
ª Display : Large Backlit graphic LCD screen
ª Instrument rating : Waterproof IP67
ª Test Cells : Automatic adjustment for round test tube from 12-20 mm diameter
ª Size / weight : 146 x 275 x 75mm / 975 g
ª Power : 3 x AA battery
b. Parameter
ª Ammonia : 0 ~ 1.0 mg/ l ( 50 test)
ª Chlorine DPD No 1 and 3 : 0 ~ 5 mg/ l ( 50 test)
ª Nitrate : 0 ~ 20 mg/ l ( 50 test)
ª Nitrite : 0 ~ 1500 mg/ l ( 50 test)
ª pH/ Temperature : -1 to 15 pH
: 0 - 60 Ú C ( Temperature)
ª Phospate : 0 ~ 100 mg/ l ( 50 test)
ª Iron : 0 ~ 10 mg/ l ( 50 test)
ª Ozone : 0 ~ 2 mg/ l ( 50 test)
ª Detergent : 0 ~ 500 mg/ l ( 100 test) ]
ª Bacteri Coliform, E-coli : 100 test
c Accessories
a Disposable Gloves polythene ( 10 pair/ boxes)
b 6 pcs glass test tube
c. carrying case
d. Check standard with certificate
e Round Test Tube, 10ml, pack of 5
f Test Tube Rack ( hold 8 test tubes)
g Incubator Multi Voltage
h UV Lamp