Potaflex® : Microbiological KitCat No : WAG-WE10050
Product : Wagtech ( UK)
Fungsi : Untuk Identifikasi kadar
Microbiologi pada air.
E-coli / Total coliform
Faecal Streptococci
ª Fully portable – specially designed for field use
ª Extremely versatile – can test for a variety of bacteria, including:
Pseudomonas, Faecal Streptococci, Coliforms.
( Faecal and Total Coliforms)
ª Flexi media options – wide range of pre-prepared dip slides and
nutri disks can be tested
ª Meets WHO & EU guidelines
ª Pre-prepared dip slides are simply dipped into the water sample,
inserted into the unit and then placed into the incubator
ª Incubator
Range : + 20° C to 50° C
: 37° C for total coliforms
: 44° C for faecal coliforms and faecal streptococci
: 42° C for pseudomonas
ª Accessories
a. Azide nutri disks for the detection of faecal streptocci
b. Cetrimide nutri disks for the detection of Pseudomonas
c. M-FC nutri disks for the detection of E.Coli and faecal coliforms
d. Plate count nutri disks for the determination of colony counts
in water/ milk/ food
e. Coliform starter pack comprising grid membranes, pads and
growth medium
f. Lauryl Sulphate Broth tube of 38.1g ( for 200 tests)
g. Absorbent pads and membranes ( for 200 tests)
h. Pre-prepared dip slides, sterilised gridded dip slides