Banten - Tangerang


Harga :
Merk :
Pengiriman :
1 hari sejak pembayaran
Lokasi :
Banten - Tangerang
Dilihat :
159 Kali
Update Terakhir :
01-04-2015 13:38

Detail Produk


Turbidity Meter
Type : PTH-090
Product : Palintest ( Inggris)

Specification :
ª Ingress Protection : IP 67
ª Weight : 340g ( inc batteries)
ª Dimensions ( HxWxL) : 50 x 82 x 225mm
ª Temp/ Humidity Limit : 0 - 50° C, 90%
ª User Interface : Backlit LCD screen, four soft keys, power button
ª Power : 2 ‘ AA’ batteries, 5000 readings average, power
indication and auto-off
ª Optical System : QuadoptiX™ system, 860nm LED source
ª Reading Modes : Normal, Average ( Short, Medium, Long) ,
Continuous Capture, Rapid, Total Suspended
Solids ( TSS)
ª Result Units : NTU, FTU, FNU, mg/ l ( TSS)
ª Range : 0 - 1050 NTU
ª Accuracy : 2% of reading
ª Resolution : 0.01 NTU up to 9.99 NTU, 0.1 NTU up to 99.9 NTU,
1 NTU above 100 NTU
ª Repeatability : 1%
ª Cuvette Diameter : 25mm
ª Turbidity Calibration : Four point using SDVB standards ( provided) or
: Formazin
ª TSS Calibration : Direct factor entry ( up to 12) or correlation
ª Operator ID : Alphanumeric, up to 12
ª Sample ID : Alphanumeric, up to 12
ª Languages : English, French, Spanish, German, Italian
ª Result Log : 100 data points including time, date,
Operator ID, Sample ID, measurement mode
ª Calibration log : Last 12 good calibrations including time, date,
operator ID

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