Banten - Tangerang


Harga :
Merk :
Pengiriman :
1 hari sejak pembayaran
Lokasi :
Banten - Tangerang
Dilihat :
129 Kali
Update Terakhir :
01-04-2015 17:01

Detail Produk


Units Measuring ranges Accuracies* Resolutions
SHR 110 and SHR
300 hygrometry
Relative humidity :
% RH
From 3 to 98% RH Accuracy* * ( Repeatability, linearity, Hysteresis) : ± 1.5% RH ( from 15° C to 25° C)
Factory calibration uncertainty: ± 0.88 % RH
Temperature dependence : ± 0.04 x ( T-20) % RH ( if T25° C)
0.1% RH
Absolute humidity1 :
g/ Kg, Kj/ Kg
From 0 to 600 g/ m3 - 0.1 g/ m3
Dewpoint1 : ° Ctd, ° Ftd From -50 to
+ 100° Ct d
± 0.6% of reading ± 0.5° Ct d 0.1 ° Ctd
Wet temperature1 :
° Ctw, ° Ftw
From -50 to
+ 100° Ctw
± 0.6% of reading ± 0.5° Ct d 0.1 ° Ctw
Enthalpy1 From 0 to 15 000
kj/ kg
- 0.1 kj/ kg
Temperature : ° C, ° F From -20 to + 80° C
( SHR110)
From -40 to + 180
° C ( SHR 300)
± 0.3% of reading ± 0.25° C 0.1 ° C
Sonde de courant
d' air
SOM 900
Air velocity : m/ s,
fpm, km/ h
From 0.00 to 5.00
m/ s
± 3% of reading ± 0.05 m/ s 0.01 m/ s
Relative humidity :
% RH
From 5 to 95% RH Accuracy* * ( Repeatability, linearity, Hysteresis) : ± 1.8% RH ( from 15° C to 25° C)
Factory calibration uncertainty: ± 0.88 % RH
Temperature dependence : ± 0.04 x ( T-20) % RH ( if T25° C)
0.1% RH
Temperature : ° C, ° F From -20 to + 80° C ± 0.3% of reading ± 0.25° C 0.1 ° C
SCOH 112
CO2/ hygrometry/
temperature probe
Temp. : ° C, ° F
CO2 : ppm
Hygro : % HR
From -20 to + 80° C
From 0 to 5000
From 5 to 95% HR
± 0.3% of reading ± 0.25° C
± 3% of reading ± 50 ppm
Accuracy* * ( Repeatability, linearity, Hysteresis) : ± 1.8% RH ( from 15° C to 25° C)
Factory calibration uncertainty: ± 0.88 % RH
Temperature dependence : ± 0.04 x ( T-20) % RH ( if T25° C)
0.1 ° C
1 ppm
0.1% RH
* All accuracies indicated in this document were stated in laboratory conditions and can be guaranteed for measurements carried out in the same conditions, or carried out with calibration compensation.
1 Calculated value
* * As per NFX 15-113 standard and the charter 2000/ 2001 Hygrometers, GAL ( Guaranteed Accuracy Limit) which has been calculated with a coverage factor value of 2 is ± 2, 88% RH between 18 and 28° C on the measuring range from 5 to 95% RH. Sensor drift is less than 1% RH/ year.
HQ 210 instruments can also calculate and display the WBGT index that corresponds to a index of composite temperature used to estimate the effect of
temperature, humidity and solar radiation on humans.
It is calculated from the following temperatures :
Ï Tw= Wet-bulb temperature or natural wet temperature, measurement calculated from the relative humidity of a thermo-hygro probe ;
Ï Tg= Globe temperature, measured with a globe thermometer, or black globe thermometer, whose sensitive element is in black glass or  black-smoke coated
in order to run approximatively as a black body to measure the solar radiation. The measurement is realised with a temperature probe placed in a black ball ;
Ï Td= Air temperature ( measured by a thermometer whose bulb is protected from the solar radiation by a screen) . The temperature measurement is realised
with a thermo-hygro probe ;
Connections 2 mini-DIN connections SMART-2014 probes and 1 micro-USB port for charging and PC connection
Power supply Lithium-Ion battery
Autonomy 57 h with hygrometry probe
Memory capacity Up to 1000 dataset of 20 000 points
Operating temperature From 0 to + 50 ° C
Storage temperature From -20 to + 80 ° C
Auto shut-off Adjustable from 15 to 120 minutes or Off
Weight 485 g
Operating environment Neutral gas
Conformity EMC 2004/ 108/ CE and EN 61010-1 directives
Languages French, English, Dutch, German, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, Norwegian, Finn, Danish, Chinese, Japanese
HQ 210 instruments have the following functions for the measurement of temperature, hygrometry and air quality :
Ï AIR QUALITY PROBES ( CO / temperature, CO2 / temperature, CO2 / temperature / hygrometry) : Audible alarm ( 2 setpoints) , Selection of units, Hold
function, minimum and maximum values
Ï THERMOCOUPLE MODULE : Delta T, Alarm ( lower and upper setpoints) , Selection of units, Hold function, minimum and maximum values

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